After this, those present demanded to know what use the rags, bits and pieces could be put into. On the appointed day, bundles of clothes were rolled out. This only annoyed Qbg the more and he set aside a date that he will exhibit his potentials so as to show AbQrQ that they did not belong to the same class. Own talent and potentiats which were quite different from those of Qbq.

The development made him very sad it clear to Qbg that OlÓdümare gave him his You are worthless and useless!" AbQr€ could not believe his indeed. rĬan no longer bear to have you around me any more. why rhis now?, Abfré queried' Qo* rnr*"ru4Iiñrt *ár J :'row, r hate your race. "what ir-*,e m"aning of this? we had been movins toset ' ü ume. no assefted thar werf Qbé, Abgrg was too smaff, ro_o and too rra¡fto ltay in the same ry*perienced, prace, move in the same group w¡th or him. When Abgrg, the Needre, had not exhibited his potentiars, he was foved bv ail. W31e bgth fishtins for supremacy They were advised to oñergog This was lfá,s message forAbQrS, And also for Qbg, tne fn¡fe Tor"'Ílili,"'iil¿"#*i:?:: Translation Let the Spoilers continue to spoil things in Kf bááj+_beáje ó máa beá j€ K.y." ó_Iáa tun ge Uq t,qitnnf$ó My proverb comes from the Hory scripture in otura offmu (otura IretQ). vein, sentenóe is the horse that proverb rides' If any sentence gets los! *u proverb to search for ¡t.

proverb, they say, is the horse that sentence rides in the rár. For more than 11 years, Darkness work' They saw no reason whv and arf his agents were activefy at be fight in the rife of Human imPact on our Plant Earth' all future Asefin A portion of all sales ót tn¡r compiete 17 volume collection and plant Holy green space' preserve tropical lr¡áO¡" publications will be donated to Palm trees & other sacred trees of lfa' Ekofa lNC, Asefin Media, LLP - Publications Division, working in conjunction with grassroots traditional to Europ" & US based non-profit organization, dedicated "énuitont"ntal projects globally & pieserving Nature for which we depend' However, the information in this the is sotd without warranty, either expressed or implied by any of Ís nor the publishers or its Jart¡es s caused or alleged to be caused ál"ntt, will be lly by the information in this directly, book.Īnd their The opinions expressed in this book are solely those of the author(s) informants, and are not necessarily those of the publisher(s)' Preparation The autho(s) and publisher have made every effort in the of this book to ensure its utmost accuracy of the quality and. Contact Agéfín Media LLP for more information eMail: ,"-f. Notice of Right All rights reserved, no part of this book may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, scanning and recording or by any digital information storáge or retriéval system without the prior written permission from the copyright holder(s), the authór(s) or the publisher, is considered unlawful. Cover designed by: Fákúnlé Oyésányá & Kori lfálójúĬirculation coordinator: Apéfín Media LLp eMail :